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    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    Void Destroyer 2 Soundtrack DLC - and music update!

    Void Destroyer 2 Soundtrack DLC - and music update!

    Soundtrack DLC - and music update!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    The Soundtrack DLC is now available -


    Due to budget issues - Void Destroyer 2 launched with less music variety than I had hopped. To fix this my musician (Rob Fenn) has created additional tracks for the game and I've commissioned some as well. These are now part of the game - for free!

    In addition there is now a Soundtrack DLC available - at a low cost - which hopefully will offset Rob's time creating these. This is an experiment so we hope it works out as a win win for everyone.

    Before this update - Void Destroyer 2 original track count - 13 - after - 27! With more intense battle music and even ambient tracks.

    Please check it out and consider supporting the artist (sales from the DLC will mostly go to Rob Fenn).


    What's next?

    I will continue working on bugs, transition towards working on polish and working on the "Big Red" DLC.

    Big Red DLC?

    The "Big Red" DLC will be a paid DLC featuring ships of the "Digger" faction. If you've played Void Destroyer 1 you'd likely remember them...

    The DLC will give players a alternate game start - starting with a Digger carrier -

    Carriers can build their own ships, so after visiting a asteroid field (the Diggers are miners after all) you should be supplied with enough ore to build up a small fleet and start conquering the game world.

    I hope that an alternate start will give players a unique game experience and loads of fun!

    The "Big Red" DLC - is also an experiment - a first paid content DLC for me - and again sales from the Big Red DLC will mostly go to the artist (not Rob though - sorry Rob!).

    As always - thank you for your support!


    PS - the alternate game start will also allow modders to create alternate start mods!
    PPS - starting with a carrier will likely lead to a bunch of feedback on how to improve carriers - so I'll likely focus on that once the Big Red DLC ships.

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