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    Tuesday, June 23, 2020

    Void Destroyer 2 Focus on polish.

    Void Destroyer 2 Focus on polish.

    Focus on polish.

    Posted: 23 Jun 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys

    I'm happy to report that I'm now shifting my focus to be on polish and enhancements. My goal is to release a patch every few days with some improvement to the game. Once I run out of these smaller improvements I'll start focusing on larger more time consuming ones.

    The overall focus of these improvements will be on the late stages of the game, reducing micro management, smoothing out frustrations, improving the UI, giving the player more control and options and introducing ways for the player to chose various difficulty/balance options. There's quite a lot of little and big items, including ones based on player feedback and suggestions.

    Here's what I've got done in recent weeks -

    • Better UI for mobile base movement
    • Better UI for building platforms
    • HUD Comms - let player know who is talking and their faction
    • Resupply fleet ships on death
    • Give players control over time dilation in overworld mode (speed up time)
    • Toggle for trade ships to use primary/secondary burn while on their trade runs.

    On my side the really nice thing is that this is the type of work I enjoy the most. I feel like I've been bogged down with the Soundtrack and Big Red DLCs forever and really wanted to get to this stage, so I'm happy it is here.


    As always - thank you for your support.


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