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    Sunday, August 23, 2020

    Void Destroyer 2 Ashes DLC - Trailer, store page and release date!

    Void Destroyer 2 Ashes DLC - Trailer, store page and release date!

    Ashes DLC - Trailer, store page and release date!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Got some news - another DLC has been in development - Ashes

    Here's the trailer -

    Direct Link - Link

    Similar to the "Big Red" DLC - the Ashes DLC will feature 2 alternate starts.

    The goal is to release the DLC on September 8th.

    In the Ashes DLC you quickly gain control of a base capable of building ships. In this play through your early goal could be to supply this base with resources to start building up a fleet, mostly bypassing faction missions and instead focusing on generating credits and/or mining. Ore would be very useful in building ships. In story mode - the base will eventually allow you to build destroyer, cruiser and even dreadnought class ships!

    The ships - are a bit unique. A "problem" with introducing new DLC ships is that - there are so many ships already in Void Destroyer 2 - so what would be the point of introducing more of the same? The new ships had to be unique to be interesting.

    You start with a fighter - with smart projectiles - projectiles that can turn. The gunship launches mines, generating a mine field. The mines follow the ship, making it a mobile mine field. The destroyer will pull in enemy ships towards itself then open up with a barrage of high yield, fast moving, but slow turning torpedoes - fired from missile turrets that can turn toward their target, to give them better firing angles. The cruiser fires a projectile that - keeps going and going and going... Which means that damage will depend on the angle of impact, and what's behind your target.

    I hope you guys consider wish listing the DLC (that would be a big help - marketing wise!) and consider enhancing your Void Destroyer 2 experience with it!

    The planned price is $2.99 with a 10% discount at launch (the majority of sale proceeds will go to the artist who created these ships).


    Please wish list the Ashes DLC store page (this helps immensely in Steam rankings and searches).

    Here's the Ashes DLC store page - Link



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